SeptMEMBER Referrals

SeptMEMBER Month Referrals

During SeptMEMBER Month, Your referrals hold the magic key to unlock unparalleled growth at WWLCC. And to make sure you're as motivated as possible, we're amping up the stakes with amazing weekly prizes. Plus, don't even get us started on the colossal Grand Prize waiting to crown the end of this unforgettable month!

We hear from all of you about the unique benefits that each of you gain from being a member of the Chamber of Commerce. We want to make sure the Chamber continues to be an invaluable resource for every business in Lake County. Growing the chamber’s membership is one of the best ways for us to provide additional opportunities for each of our current members.

Ready to hear what's up for grabs? Brace yourself for a shot at:

  • A striking 1/2 page ad in Mimi Magazine
  • A generous $100 Visa Gift Card
  • A dazzling duo of tickets to the December 6 Holiday Mixer
  • A golden chance at a 2024 Breakfast or Luncheon Workshop Sponsorship

And now, for the piece de resistance... the SeptMEMBER Month Grand Prize: Your very own Private After Hours Party for you and 10 of your closest pals at the prestigious Lake Erie Distillery.

Fill out the form below to enter your chance at winning!

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